EAEU Risk Management System: towards unified standard of customs control
Mr. Sergey Vladimirov, Director, Department of Customs Legislation and Law Enforcement Practice, Eurasian Economic Commission

Mr. Alxander Titov, Deputy Head, General Department “Center of Monitoring and Operational Control of the FCS of Russia”, FCS of Russia
Mr. Valery Parfenov, Deputy Head, General Department “Center of Monitoring and Operational Control of the FCS of Russia”, FCS of Russia
Mr. Erkinbek Imanaliyev, Head, Risk Analysis Department, State Customs Service under the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic
Mr. Rafael Grigoryan, Deputy Head, Information Technology Department, State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Armenia
Mr. Andrey Sadovsky, Head, General Risk Analysis and Post-Customs Control Department, State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus
Risk Management System (RMS) ensures the selection of objects of customs control, the necessary forms and measures of customs control, allows to focus on areas of high risk and to use efficiently the resources of customs authorities, as well as helps reduce the burden on bona fide participants of foreign economic activity. The elements of the RMS, its goals, and stages of the risk management process are defined in the EAEU Customs Code, but the strategy and tactics of applying the RMS as well as the implementation of the risk management process itself are determined by the norms of national legislation. In this regard, each State has developed its own national RMS and appropriate approaches to customs control with their application.
In order to ensure the formation of a single standard for customs control by Customs Services, the Joint Board of Customs Services of the EAEU Member States implements measures aimed at unifying the RMS in the EAEU within the framework of the general plan for Eurasian economic integration until 2025. The President of the Russian Federation Mr. Vladimir Putin in his address to the Heads of States within the framework of Russia's chairmanship in the EAEU bodies this year noted that further deepening of integration cooperation will largely depend on the unification of customs operations with the use of a risk management system at external borders. Currently, the EEC and the authorized bodies of the States are working on defining the main directions of Eurasian integration in the field of customs administration until 2030. In this regard, a brief overview of national RMS at the current stage, plans for their improvement in the medium term, an assessment of joint activities already implemented, as well as opinions and proposals of customs administrations on the prospects and stages of standardization of RMS in order to form and implement a single standard of customs control in the EAEU in the horizon up to 2030 are of interest.